注意: Classes canceled today due to weather conditions. Check Blackboard for communication from your instructors.


Global Service Opportunities with the SBU CGC

Each year, the Center for Global 连接ions (CGC) organizes and equips dozens of 全球各地的项目. Use the map below to learn more about CGC opportunities or to donate to a project team.



purple country on map indicates current C-G-C project; green country on map indicates a previous C-G-C trip location




postcard image for the 浸信会山 project

SBU's 浸信会山 ministry team will serve two weeks at 浸信会山 Assembly in Mt. Vernon, MO to assist in preparing the retreat center for future summer camps as well as serve one week as assistants and counselors in summer camp.

日期: 2023年5月6日至10日和6月2日至6日| 成本: $165 | 领导: 科琳和亨利·舒勒




postcard image for the CGC support project

This team serves as a support team for the Center for Global 连接ions department 及CGC小组. CGC支援小组 members promote mission awareness on the SBU campus, support current CGC projects, facilitate communication between the SBU student body and the CGC department, and help encourage mission participants.

日期: 2023年秋季- 2024年春季| 成本: 免费的| 领袖: 米亚·巴特尔斯和莉莉·克劳德


U.S. 项目



Partner with Send Relief to provide healing and compassion through partnerships with 波士顿当地的教会和事工. This team will work alongside these partners in a variety of outreach opportunities, including community development, canvassing, prayer walking, trafficking outreach, and ministry to internationals.

日期: 2024年3月23-29日| 成本: $1650 | 领袖: 凯伦亨德里克斯



postcard image for cross-country cycling project

Serve God and each other through an opportunity to cross the U.S. 一次冒险 一生一世. This cross-country bicycle adventure will raise money and lend helping hands to families through The Fuller Center for 住房. 

日期: 2024年夏天| 成本: TBD | 领袖: Dr. 蒂姆·德克鲁和亚历克西斯·斯托特



postcard image for the 纽约市 project

SBU will partner with NAMB SEND Relief and will serve Graffiti 2 Community Ministries which seeks to revitalize, revive and revolutionize the Mott Haven neighborhood of 南布朗克斯. 项目 will include various forms of community engagement and evangelism, including working with kids in after-school tutoring and Bible study.

日期: 2024年5月12-18日| 成本: $1600 | 领袖: 蕾切尔·弗朗西斯和凯拉·劳埃德





Currently there are more than 500,000 Venezuelans who have relocated to Bogota, 哥伦比亚. Partnering with Go in The Name missions our focus is to plant churches in the Venezuelan 社区. 部 activities will include prayer walking, feeding projects, evangelism training, sports ministry, and music ministry.

日期: 2024年5月18-26日| 成本: $2350 | 领袖: 克里斯蒂娜·鲁伊斯



postcard image for the 危地马拉 project

The CGC holds a partnership with Casa Bernabe in 危地马拉 City, a home to more than 100 children from difficult living situations. 加入危地马拉小组并提供协助 the orphanage ministry through a variety of service and humanitarian projects through the day and sharing God's love with children of all ages in the evening.

日期: 3月23-30日| 成本: $1900 | 领导: 艾比普雷斯顿



This trip offers a mixture of church history, literary legacy, and inspiration for 福音的持久影响.

In Ireland students will explore Dublin’s National Museum of Archeology with an extensive amount of religious artifacts related to the pre-Christian world of Ireland before the missionary efforts of Saint Patrick, view the infamous Book of Kells at Trinity College, and explore the park and lamppost that inspired C.S. 刘易斯的纳尼亚.

Students will explore London and Oxford in England. 在伦敦,学生们将步行 street infamous for it’s position as the literary capital of the world, Fleet Street, and trace the footsteps of John Milton, Charles Dickens, and G.K. 切斯特顿. 在牛津大学, students will have the opportunity to tour C.S. 刘易斯大人的家和漫步 他和J走过的路.R.R. Tolkien discussed faith in God before Lewis converted to 基督教.

日期: 2024年夏天| 成本: $4000 | 领导: Dr. Rick Melson和Dr. 丹尼尔·德威特




The 日本 team will partner with the local church to share the light of Christ in 神户市. The mission will predominately focus on reaching out to students at the universities in College Town (Gakuentoshi), an area of West Kobe. 部 opportunities will include prayer walking, outreach, and evangelism with the goal of building relationships and sharing the hope of Christ in these interactions.

日期: 2024年夏天| 成本: $4500 | 领导: TBD



postcard image for the 南非 project

Partnering with Impact Africa, this team will participate in hands-on ministry by being the hands and feet of Jesus as the team assists those living in impoverished 社区和绝望的处境. Assist in practical community chores and projects while learning about the culture and serving alongside locals.

日期: 5月12-22日| 成本: $3700 | 领导: 雅各布·米德尔顿和凯特琳·迪基




给 to the 海外学生教学 Trip


postcard image for the 西方的泰国 project

Partnering with Glory Project, this SBU CGC team will visit several villages on the Myanmar-Thailand border sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to the unreached Karen 泛灵论者群体. In each village, team members will conduct an evangelistic 整个社区的活动. 

日期: 2024年5月| 成本: $3600 | 领袖: Dr. 乔纳森贮木场

